When I was young, I always get excited whenever my mom would tell me that we are going to a birthday party. Well, I guess, every kid gets excited and happy upon hearing this good news from their parents.
I loved the parlor games, the simple prizes, and of course the food. My favorite food among all is the hotdog and marhshmallow on stick. This, for me, always symbolizes a birthday party. However, even when I was still young then, whenever I ate that hotdog and marshmallow on stick, I always wondered whether the party owner cooks also the marshmallow. Because as I always recall, the hotdog was hot but the marshmallow was not. Can a marshmallow be cooked without melting it?Or even just Keep a marshmallow warm with a fire for a few minutes is enough to be considered it ‘cooked’ same as the hotdog? Let me experiment on that…
Punya saran atau masukan? Silakan berkomentar disini ^.^"
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